
The Parallel Computing and Mobile Systems laboratory (COMPASSO) is one of the major computer laboratories of the Systems Engineering and Computer Science Program (PESC) at the Graduate Programs in Engineering (COPPE) of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). COMPASSO is dedicated to the research, development, and evaluation of systems software design for parallel and distributed systems. Particular areas of interest include Internet computing, cloud computing, and mobile software systems. Currently, the laboratory is focused on the following R&D areas:

  • Interest-centric mobile ad-hoc networks (ICN)
  • ICN-based applications for alarm monitoring, environmental control, telemedicine and vehicular networks.
  • New system clocks for clusters of energy-efficient computer systems.
  • Evaluation of Infrastructure as a service (IAAs) platforms for Cloud Computing .
  • New cost-effective software infrastructure for large-scale distribution of video on demand.

The laboratory is located in Bloco I, room I-232 at the Centro de Tecnologia of UFRJ. The laboratory facilities comprise clusters of multi-core computers, disk arrays, desktops, wireless sensor networks, mobile ad hoc networks, video record cameras, and HDTV sets. COMPASSO is mostly used for research and development projects in collaboration with other academic groups in Brazil. In addition, COMPASSO maintains cooperation projects with public and private organizations.