“Scalable Server Systems for Scientific and WEB Applications"
Financial support: The CNPq National Research Agency
Summary: The WEBE project addesses optimization studies on scalable techniques and mechanisms for different classes of large-scale representative applications in the areas of multimedia, e-commerce, and engineering.
People -- Claudio L. Amorim (PI, Faculty, COPPE)/ Raquel C G Pinto (Faculty, IME-RJ) / Lauro Whately (research Assistant, COPPE / Leonardo Bidese de Pinho (Faculty, Unimpampa Federal University) – Graduate students: Diego Leonel Cadette Dutra (MSc) / Héberte Fernandes de Moraes (MSc) / Rodrigo Souza Granja (MSc) / Daniel da Cunha Schmidt (MSc) /Almir Dominicini Fernandes (MSc) / / Luiz Rodolpho Monnerat (DSc) / Renato de Castro Dutra (DSc) / Arthur Cunha Granado (MSc);
Conference Publications
- “Peer-to-Peer Single Hop Distributed Hash Tables”, Monnerat, L. R. and Amorim, C. L., In: Proceedings of IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Honolulu, Hawaii, p. 1-8, November 2009.
- “On Using Grid of Collocated APs to Improve Performance of Wireless VoD Systems”, Pinho, L. B. and Amorim, C. L., In: Proceedings of the 5th International IFIP/ACM Latin American Networking Conference (LANC), 2009, Pelotas, RS, Brazil, ACM, p. 1-10, p. 18-31, September 2009.
- “An approach for wireless sensor networks topology control in indoor scenarios", Kostin, S. , Salles, R. M. and Amorim, C. L., In: Proceedings of the 5th International IFIP/ACM Latin American Networking Conference (LANC), 2009, Pelotas, RS, Brazil, ACM, p. 1-10, September 2009.
- “GloVE-Mix: Integrando peer-to-peer e distribuição via proxy em serviços de Vídeo sob Demanda”, Alves, J. M., Pinho, L. B. , Amorim, C. L., In: V Workshop de Redes Dinâmicas e Sistemas P2P (WP2P), Anais do XXVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos (SBRC), Recife, PE. p. 1-14, Maio de 2009.
"Collapsed Distributed Cooperative Memory for Interactive and Scalable Media-on-Demand Systems”, E. Ishikawa and C. L. Amorim, Patent US 7,596,664, 9/2009