Development of wireless ad hoc networks, virtualization, P2P, and DHT techniques for applications in streaming media, social networks, Telemedicine, and Precision Agriculture
The RSVP project aims at the development of advanced computing platforms for diferent classes of distributed applications in the new and important areas of scalable distribution of continuous media (video and audio streaming), participative social networks, Telemedicine, and Precision Agriculture. Such platforms will be based on new techniques and mechanisms such as virtual machines, distributed hash tables, the Peer-to-Peer distributed model, and wireless Ad hoc networks. Next, we summarize our research efforts.
In the area of mobile systems, we are concentrated on the development of an original approach to building ad hoc networks and running distributed applications. Specifically, we introduced the Active Prefixes (APs) and built a new interest-centric communication protocol based on APs, which together provide the necessary support to develop and run distributed applications in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) named Radnets in a cost-effective way. Radnets have been tested in different classes of applications including social networks, Telemedicine, Network security, vehicular networks, UAVs, and Evironmental control.
Energy-efficient computer systems are making increasing use of processors that have multiple core units, DVFS, and virtualization support. However, current system clocks have not been usually designed to cope with the capacity of such mechanisms to decelerate/accelerate the passage of time, which increases the time drifts in the system and produces adverse side effects. As an alternative to the system clock, we developed an original virtual clock, named RVEC, with the property that the time count is strictly increasing and precise. Furthermore, we used RVEC to build a High-Precision Global Clock (HPGC) solution which is free from resynchronization.
Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs) have been used in several applications, but most DHTs have opted to solve lookups with multiple hops, to minimize bandwidth costs while sacrificing lookup latency. We developed D1HT, which has a peer-to-peer and self-organizing architecture and is able to maximize lookup performance with reasonable maintenance traffic, and a Quarantine mechanism to reduce overheads caused by volatile peers. Our extensive set of results showed that D1HT is able to provide a very effective solution for a broad range of environments, from large-scale corporate datacenters to widely deployed Internet applications.
We have developed the global video environment (GloVE) technology for large scale distribution of video on demand to large audiences. GloVE uses a novel dynamic data structure to implement an innovative stream-reuse algorithm with several advantages over conventional caching algorithms. Moreover, we have used GloVE to build scalable vod platforms that support HTTP-based adaptive streaming technologies, real-time video transmission directly from mobile devices to the video server, video delivery networks (VDN), and vod systems for trainning and education.
Conference Publications
- Interest-centric Mobile Ad hoc Networks,Dutra, R. C., Moraes, H. F., Amorim, C. L. In: Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (IEEE NCA12), 2012, Cambridge, MA, USA, 2012.
- "On Developing Interest-centric Applications for Ad hoc Networks", Moraes, H. F. ; Nelson R. Perez Benitez ; Dutra,, R. C. ; Amorim, C. L. ., In Proceedings of the13th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), 2012, Demo Session, San Francisco, California, USA.
- "REPi : A P2P protocol for Interest-centric Internet Applications (In portuguese)", Moraes, H. F. ; Dutra, R. C. ; Amorim, C. L. , In: XXX Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores, 2012, Ouro Preto. MG. VIII Workshop de Redes Dinâmicas e Sistemas P2P. Porto Alegre/RS : SBC, 2012. p. 1-14.
- “REPI: An Interest-centric Communication Network (In portuguese)”, Dutra, R. C., Granja, R. S. , Moraes, H. F. , Amorim, C. L., In: WP2P - 6th Workshop on Dynamics Networks and Peer-to-Peer Systems, XXVIII SBRC, Gramado, RS, SBC, pp. 99-112, Maio 2010.
- “SAMCRA: A system for experimental evaluation of Ad hoc Networks (In portuguese)”, Granja, R. S. ,Dutra, R. C. ,Moraes, H. F. , Amorim, C. L., In: Salão de Ferramentas, XXVIII SBRC, Gramado, RS, SBC, pp. 989-996, Maio 2010.
- An approach for wireless sensor networks topology control in indoor scenarios, Kostin, S., Salles, R. M., Amorim, C. L. In: Proceedings of the 5th International IFIP/ACM Latin American Networking Conference (LANC), 2009, Pelotas/RS, Brazil, New York, NY, USA.: ACM, 2009. p.1 - 10.
- GloVE-Mix: Integrating P2P and Distribution via proxy server in Video on Demand Services (In portuguese)", Alves, João Maurício, Pinho, L. B. DE, Amorim, C. L. In: Anais do V Workshop de Redes Dinâmicas e Sistemas P2P, 2009, Recife/PE, Brazil, p.1 - 14.
- On Using Grid of Collocated APs to Improve Performance of Wireless VoD Systems, Pinho, L. B. , Amorim, C. L., In:Proceedings of the 5th International IFIP/ACM Latin American Networking Conference (LANC), 2009, Pelotas/RS, Brazil, p.18 - 31..
- Peer-to-Peer Single Hop Distributed Hash Tables, Monnerat L. R., Amorim C. L., In: Proceedings of IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Piscataway,NJ,USA: IEEE eXpress Conference Publishing, 2009, Honolulu,Hawaii, p.1 - 8
- Revisiting the k-Neighbors Connectivity Problem under Practical Indoor Scenarios, Kostin, S., Dias, M. H. C., Pinho, L. B., Amorim, C. L. In: Anais do XXVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos, 2009, Recife/PE.
Technical Reports
- A Highly Effective System Clock for Energy-efficient Computer Systems, Dutra, D., Whately, L., and Amorim, C. L., Tech. Report ES-745/13, Systems and Computer Engineering Program, COPPE,UFRJ, 10 pages, January 2013 (submitted for publication).
- An Evaluation of Virtualization Platforms using a Video on demand distributed System (In portuguese)”, D. L. C. Dutra, L. L. A. Whately and C. L. Amorim, Programa de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computação, Relatório Técnico, ES-741/11, COPPE/UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 21941-972, June 2011.
- An Effective Single-hop Distributed Hash Table with High Lookup Performance and Low Traffic Overhead, L. R. Monnerat and C. L. de Amorim, Programa de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computação, Relatório Técnico, ES-740/11, COPPE/UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 21941-972, June 2011. (submitted for publication)
- Active Prefixes for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks, R. C. Dutra, H. F. Moraes e C. L. de Amorim, Programa de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computação, Technical Report, ES-739/11, COPPE/UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 21941-972, June 2011.
- “Prefixos Ativos para Redes Móveis Ad-Hoc”, R. C. Dutra, H. F. Moraes e C. L. de Amorim, Programa de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computação, Relatório Técnico, ES-737/11, COPPE/UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 21941-972, Fevereiro, 2011.
- “The Interest-centric communication model (in portuguese)", R. C. Dutra e C. L. Amorim, Programa de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computação, Relatório Técnico, ES-733/10, COPPE/UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 21941-972, Março, 2010.
Theses (in portuguese)
- “Distributed hash tables with single-hop lookups and low-overhead maintenance”, Luiz Rodolpho Rocha Monnerat, Tese de DSc,(Engenharia de Sistemas e Computação) - Coordenação dos Programas de Pós Graduação Em Engenharia 2010.
Dissertations (in portuguese)
- The Development and Evaluation of a P2P protocol for Interest-centric Internet Applications”, Héberte F. Moraes, Dissertação MSc, (Engenharia de Sistemas e Computação) - Coordenação dos Programas de Pós Graduação Em Engenharia, 2011.
- The Development and Evaluation of a VoD Distribution System based on D1HT, Anderson Borges da Silva, Dissertação MSc, 2011.
- An Experimental Evaluation of Colapsed Cooperative Memory for VoD Systems , Arthur Cunha Granado, MSc, 2010.
- Global Memory for Clusters of Computers using a Kernel Mechanism, Daniel da Cunha Schmidt, MSc, 2010.
- An experimental Evaluation of Virtualization Techiniques through Load Balancing Techniques for Clusters of Computers”, Almir D. Fernandes, MSc, 2010.
- Communication protocols for Interest-centric Ad hoc Networks, Rodrigo Souza Granja, MSc, 2010.
- Time Counting in Virtualization Systems, Diego Leonel Cadette Dutra, MSc, 2009.
- Method For Building Spontaneous Virtual Communities Based on Commom Interests Using Wireless Equipments, C. L. Amorim, R. C. Dutra, L. E.M. C. Branco, Patent USPTO 8,219,135, 10/07/2012.
- Distributed Cooperative Memory for Interactive and Scalable Video on Demand System”, E. Ishikawa and C. L. Amorim, Patent USPTO 7,913,382, 3/2011.
Financial support: FINEP/MCT National Agency